About & Contact

About This Website

Ms. Gutsell's Guide to Growing in Technology was launched in August 2017 to be a clear tutorial location for individuals hoping how to learn about using technology in a user friendly environment. While it is true that YouTube and various other web pages can be explored for how to use various tools, this website was created with the intent to help users of all levels expand in their understanding of technology. This site is free to use, and no profit is made from any of the posts. 

The site was relaunched in August 2021 with a focus on being a curated resource of the professional teachings provided by Ms. Gutsell, which could range from basic tutorials to advanced presentations. Please explore, and grow in your knowledge of your technology!

About Ms. Gutsell

Ms. Mia Gutsell is an Instructional Technology Specialist and former Social Science teacher. She is a Google for Education Certified Trainer, ISTE Certified Educator, and Seesaw Ambassador.  She has her B.A in History and B.S.ed in Secondary Education from Loyola University Chicago. She has her Masters of Technology in Education from National Louis University. 

If you are interested in her theories on education and technology please view her portfolio at the site below. 


Is there an idea that you think would make the site even better? Have a question on how to use one of the features? Just want to say hello? 

Ms. Gutsell can be reached on Linked In.


Updated October 2023